Dimensions Learning

promoting sexual health and preventing sexual violence
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in a nutshell


Dimensions is a comprehensive, innovative sexual assault and sexual education program for college and university students.

Our program consists of sixteen highly engaging videos, each of which is paired with lesson plans and activities that go beyond the facts to address the root causes of sexual violence.


The program is driven by the belief that to reduce campus sexual assault, students need an educational program that is relatable, useful, and transformative.

Going beyond simple facts helps us explore the attitudes, ideas, and perspectives that lead to sexual violence.


Dimensions interweaves topical information about sexual violence with nuanced discussions about healthy sexuality and positive relationships. .

Our lesson plans are dynamic and rich. No two are the same, and all feature discussion topics that drive deep conversation and understanding.

We also provide significant support for facilitators, including training, manuals, and scripts to ensure success.

Meet our characters


Our female and male narrators appear in all of our videos, breaking the fourth wall and speaking directly to the audience as well as interacting with our characters.

Maddie & Carlo

These two are a long-term monogamous couple that help us explore healthy communication around sex within the context of a relationship.


John is coming to terms with his sexuality. He wrestles with his identity as a gay man and the masculine stereotypes that he's expected to conform to as a serious athlete.


Willa is a star student who struggles to see herself as positively as her classmates and friends do. She deals with complicated emotions around sex and self-esteem.


Jaxon is a leader among his peers. Confident, charming, and with strong boundaries, Jaxon embodies the best qualities of men his age.


Meili knows herself and her boundaries but has to learn to articulate them to the people with whom she interacts.


Frank embodies some difficult qualities of men his age. While he's confident, he's not as charming as he thinks he is. Frank does a lot of learning about boundaries and wrestles with how men often talk and think about women.


Nora is a great friend and a confident young woman. She's got great boundaries and is an important sounding board for her friends as they wrestle with complicated issues.


Frank embodies some difficult qualities of men his age. While he's confident, he's not as charming as he thinks he is. Frank does a lot of learning about boundaries and wrestles with how men often talk and think about women.


Meili knows herself and her boundaries but has to learn to articulate them to the people with whom she interacts.

Maddie & Carlo

These two are a long-term monogamous couple that help us explore healthy communication around sex within the context of a relationship.

Diversity & Inclusivity

Our programmatic approach is far-reaching, inclusive of diverse identities and experiences, and addresses many of the awkward and difficult parts of talking about sex and sexuality with frankness and practical resources for young adults.

We know more needs to be said and done to end sexual assault and sexual violence both on campuses and in society.  One way Dimensions expands the conversation with students nationwide is through characters with a broad, diverse range of identities so students encounter characters they can relate to.

Program Features

Our flexible program allows you to:

Create a one-of-a-kind course tailored to your school's unique needs

Deliver cutting-edge content developed with leading subject-matter experts and experienced educators

Address deep, complex issues on your own timeline and your own terms

Reach your diverse student population with material that speaks to them personally and emotionally


Collaborative creation


Dimensions has a diverse network of student advisors on multiple college & university campuses who provide input on our content.

Our student advisors come from different domains of campus life, including the Greek system, LGBTQ communities, athletics, faith communities, and communities of color.


Dimensions works with faculty and graduate students in gender studies and communications to ground our program in cutting-edge theory and practice.

Dimensions conducted university-sanctioned research as part of our content development.


What do students think when they go through our program? Hear directly from them in anonymous feedback.

“This was the best sexual assault presentation I've ever partaken in. I hope to see this program implemented at (my college) and in Greek life.” College Junior and Pi Kappa Alpha member

"I actually enjoyed the entire lesson and learned a lot about sexuality and gender." College Freshman

“...the info and questions were well-tuned toward invoking conversation.” College Senior

“...a perfect balance between speaking and interactive questions and discussions.” College Freshman


Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Sexual Agency

Social Judgment


Healthy Sexuality
in a Relationship

Unhealthy Relationship Boundaries



Peer Pressure

Alcohol and Drugs

Bystander Intervention

Myths and Realities of Sexual Violence

Gender Stereotypes for Men and Women

Shifting the Culture



Course content

Clarity and Specificity

  • Our content helps facilitators succeed. Our lesson plans offer instructions on what to say, when to say it, and what to do when things don't go according to plan. 

  • Our lesson plans provide everything from scripted instructions to comprehensive handouts, links, and collateral materials.

  • Our team of educators knows what works. We have decades of experience, have taught thousands of students, and have mentored dozens of other educators.

Mix and Remix

  • We know that your community is unique. With your specific  population and the issues and challenges your campus faces, content that's one-size-fits-all just doesn't work. 

  • Do you want a comprehensive, quarter-long course that works with all sixteen of our videos and covers a range of topics? We've got that. Only have an hour to deliver the essential information for Title IX compliance? We've got you covered there too, and you won't have to buy more than what you need.

  • Our videos and lesson plans can be assembled into a broad range of courses. We're here to help if you want to design your own menu of options. If one of our prepared offerings works for you, you'll get what you need, delivered digitally and ready to be delivered right away.

  • While our videos have interweaving storylines, they can each be viewed on their own and with the lesson plans that accompany them without losing anything.

Diversity really matters.

  • We see diversity as a priority both in our video content and in the lesson plans we offer.

  • Whether it's race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or ability, we aim to have all students see themselves in our videos. Our filmed content features a diverse cast of characters played by actors from varying backgrounds and with a range of identities.

  • Our lesson plans address gender, sexuality, and relationship status from a neutral perspective, acknowledging difference without singling anyone out.

  • Sexual health promotion and sexual assault prevention sometimes requires a deeper look into the issues and challenges facing specific constituencies. Our content development plans include follow-on courses aimed to address some of these distinct groups in ways that genuinely speak to those communities and the schools that serve them.

Dynamic and Appealing

  • Our lesson plans are not traditional stand-and-deliver, instructor-centered material. We keep the focus on the content and the students.

  • In our lessons, students will change activities frequently, work with each other in constantly varying groups, engage in structured discussion, and use experiential learning to lock in long-term learning and behavior change.

  • Our team of educators know how to keep groups of varying size active, moving, and talking. Our lesson plans help your facilitators do that, whether you have 15 or 500 students in the room.

Contact Us

Send us an email. We'd love to connect and talk about how Dimensions can become part of your campus or organization.

Reach out

Frequently asked questions

Click each question below to see its answer.

What is Dimensions Learning?
What is your product offering?
How are you different from other programs on the market?
Why do you produce workshop materials versus an online learning program?
Do I have to buy the entire course at once?
How do our campus facilitators know what to do?
How do your videos work with your educational materials?
What is the competence measure you’ve developed all about?
Will you be producing follow-up content that can be delivered over multiple years?
How long does your material take?
Can you customize content for my school?
Why did you take the approach of using character-driven narratives? Can you customize content for my school?
